Global Solidarity Challenge Day 1

By | 23:27 Leave a Comment
So the day started off with meal planning and shopping. We had a bunch of fruit and vegetables left over in the fridge and we wanted to include them in our budget. However, there was a pineapple which we wouldn't have otherwise wouldn't have bought on $1.25 bought because it cost Tshs 3000! Even split by four this was over 1/4 of our budget for the day. We had a lengthy debate about whether we could afford to eat the pineapple but the ultimate decision was that wasting food was not in the spirit of the challenge either so we just had to figure out a way to work it in. Here is how we made out...

Breakfast - Tshs 216
For breakfast we finished up the left-over Mandazi. We planned to make more so that we would have some for the rest of the week. There were some technical difficulties however (too much oil/yeast not working?) and the dough did not rise properly. We managed to still cook them but they resemble hard biscuits more than donuts. We also got a lot less out of the dough so we'll have to give it another go later in the week. (Recipe is in previous post)

Lunch - Tshs 1235
We made chapati myai (chapati with eggs) which are a lot like crepes. You can have them savoury but we had them with fruit (including the luxurious pineapple!).

2 eggs
About of cup of water (Add more if necessary)
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon sugar
1/2 Kg flour
Oil for cooking
  1. Beat eggs with the water until well blended.
  2. Add salt sugar and flour and beat until smooth.
  3. Add more water if necessary so you have a very thin liquidy batter
  4. Take a ladlefull of batter and pour it into a small frypan
  5. Turn the fry pan so the batter makes a thin coating over the whole pan
  6. Cook both sides, flipping once so that both sides are cooked and have golden brown patches
  7. Slowly pour a little oil around the outside of the Chapati, and also a very little on the top. Once done flip the Chapati again.
  8. Do the same on the other side, Flip it and its ready to serve.

Dinner - Tshs 513
We went with one of our house classic, vegetable stir-fry. We found out that we could get ginger at the market for pretty cheap so that helped boost the flavour along with some very dark soy sauce. Because we are working, we decided our diners had to also stretch to lunch the next day. So the extra is packed up in containers and waiting to go!

So grand total was Tshs 1954 which puts us pretty much right on the nose for $1.25! We managed, though I have to say, I was still pretty hungry after lunch. I was only saved from hunger because cooking the Mandazi required some taste-testing which helped hold me over until diner. We'll see how Day 2 goes!


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